Hometown Heroes

An online campaign to celebrate those people going above and beyond for others in their communities across RCT county, during lockdown.
A Hometown Hero could be someone helping a vulnerable neighbour by plating up an extra dinner on a Sunday, going above and beyond offering to pick up prescriptions for people in their communities or someone who is simply sticking to the rules and staying safe at home.

The Goal...
The aim was to improve online engagement by collecting the stories of these ‘Hometown Heroes’ and sharing them far and wide, keeping our communities connected during challenging times.
I produced both illustrated graphics and animations for the campaign, which resulted in a 200% increase in online engagement for Trivallis social media channels.  It also helped bring more traffic to the website, which shared important changes to key customer services during the lockdown.
The campaign did pretty well and even collected enough people's stories to launch a Hometown Heroes Hall of Fame.

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